Sunday, January 6, 2013

Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

One of my goals in 2013 was to write a bit more, so I've gone back to keeping a journal, and I've decided to spend a bit more time with my blog.  When I looked back at past successes that I've had with my posts (the most readers) my postings have included my reviews of books I've read.  So I've decided to stick with my successes!

Yesterday I finished reading Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell.  My book club is meeting in the middle of the month and we are going to discuss it.  I don't read nonfiction as often as I should, sometimes I get the idea that it might be boring.  I really enjoyed this book, though, and found it quite interesting. It made me think about what it takes to become successful.  In the past I've viewed success as something that happens to a lucky few.  According to Gladwell, though, it's more than just luck.

Gladwell points out that success is based on a number of factors.  Thanks to Google I found a wonderful illustration!
Success can be had based upon practice, lucky opportunities, your cultural legacy and upbringing, and timing is important too.  Mr. Gladwell recounts many true examples throughout the book.  I also found it interesting that he applied this model to his own family in regards to his mother and grandmother.  It made his point all the more real to me.  It got me thinking about my own family and success.

I'm not rich or famous, but I'm the first one on my side of the family to graduate from college with a degree.  I could see how all of the above factors played into how I received my teaching degree.  I won't bore you with my story, but I would recommend the book.  Even though I've set the book aside, I'm still thinking about how I can continue my journey to the top of the pyramid.  Isn't that what a good book does, is make you think?  My answer is most definitely yes!

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