Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Why YA?

 I've been reading a great deal of Young Adult literature lately.  One thing I've always wondered about is why even give the "Young Adult" designation?  Literature is literature no matter what.  Since I like to review with a bit of rhyme, I just wanted to see what I could come up with this time.  

Many books designated young adult literature
are wonderful books for sure.
This genre is so great
my eyes start to dilate! 
Riordan finished his series based on mythology
where themes of friendship were key.
Meyer has added her own flair
to fairy tales with much care.
Black and Clare have collaborated on a new series, book one is The Iron Trial.
I will be finishing this one, there is no denial!
Whatever your favorite genre may be
keep reading most definitely!!!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Schoolhouse Rock rocks!

I grew up watching School House Rock on Saturdays.  The catchy songs not only taught me a few things, but also entertained me.  I recently discovered that my students (5th graders) also enjoy the video clips!

We had been studying about the Revolutionary War and I decided to show "No More Kings" to the students.  They loved it!  Some started singing along, and the majority of the kids wanted to watch it again.  I was pleasantly pleased.  I thought that they would find it corny or stupid, but that wasn't the case. 

Earlier in the year I showed some of the Grammar Rock series to them, and got a lukewarm reception.  Well, maybe that was due to the fact that it was English class.  One of my favorite subjects, but sadly some of my students don't feel that way.  We watched the clips about nouns and adverbs.  The "Lolly" jingle got stuck in my head that day.

Good educational tools have staying power, I guess.  I have found myself singing along to almost all of the tunes as I've shown the kids.  It is amazing what one remembers.  I guess some of the television I've watched over the years hasn't "rotted" my brain.


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Doctor Sleep by Stephen King

As I've noted many times, I'm not a professional reviewer of books, but I love reading them.  I just finished reading Doctor Sleep last night.  I loved it!  King had my attention from page one all the way to the end.  Even if you're not a fan of Stephen King's work, it's well worth your time.  I'm glad this novel was one of the first books of the new year for me.  I'll give you my thoughts in a few sentences or so, and maybe some rhyme to go.

Dan Torrance has grown up to be a man.
We find out what's been going on in his life.
He's had some troubles with drinking, which caused some strife.
He managed to meet some new folks who helped him get clean and throw his booze in a can.

We meet Casey K., Billy Freeman, and the Stones -
Lucy, Dave, Abra, and Momo as well.
Add Dr. John into the story and our characters are swell.
We're also introduced to some players that are scary down to their bones.

We read about a band of travelers named the True Knot.
Rose the Hat, Snakebite Andi, Silent Sarey, Grandpa Flick, and Jimmy the Crow -
these are but a handful of the wanderers we get to know.
In their clutches you wouldn't want to get caught.

The ghouls go around the country in big old RVs searching the nation for steam.
That's their name for those who have the gift referred to as the "shining."
Once it's picked up by their unholy gifts, they go hunting.  Reading about them had me whining.
They live off fear and torment and lap up a child's essence like cream.

Abra Stone had the gift of the shining like a beacon,
and Dan finds himself in contact with this girl from a young age. 
We read about how she grows and how her powers change from stage to stage.
Dan finds himself being a teacher. Once off the booze his power didn't weaken. 

The True comes in contact with Abra Stone.
They want her for her steam.
At times I was so on edge I could just scream.
Dan and Abra join forces and work as one.

Please do read the book. Give it a chance.
I can't tell you about all of it; I won't ruin the fun.
There's so much to this book and many more paths for you to run.
I haven't even hinted to you about the meaning of the title.  Pick it up and join the dance.