Monday, January 3, 2011

I got a new toy for Christmas!!!

I was able to purchase a NOOKColor for myself after Christmas.  I have thoroughly enjoyed reading ebooks and getting to know the ins and outs of my new "toy."  I love being able to plug in my headphones, listen to Pandora internet radio, and read to my heart's content!

I've noticed that some of the free ebooks I've downloaded aren't the best, but then I think to myself, "Hey, it was a free book, short story, or novella."  Ebooks can be tricky too, in that one can easily get hooked on a particular series.  The first two are free and then one has to pay for the third installment and so on.  This is excellent marketing and worked for writers in ages past.  I'm reminded of the recent past as well when Stephen King published The Green Mile in installments.  Oh, well, I don't mind too much (yet) an ebook is significantly cheaper than a regular book.

The NOOKColor is also wi-fi ready.  I live in a home with a wireless router, so my main reading environment is "NOOKie" friendly.  I can sit in my recliner and browse the internet without having to sit at my computer.  Wow, the brave new world of eReaders!

Although I am enjoying this new chapter in my reading life, I still enjoy my hardback or softcover book in hand.  As my niece Emily (an avid reader) told me when I was showing off my new toy. 
"Lisa, nothing will ever replace a book."
I tend to agree.  However, I will gladly embrace both worlds.  I will reach out to the new world of technology with the eReader, and lovingly hold on to the book smelling wonderfully of ink and paper.

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