Thursday, August 2, 2012

Pinterest amazes me!

I've discovered a new world, Pinterest!  I enjoy checking out what others have pinned to their digital boards, and adding pins to mine.  It's not just a time-waster for me, but also educational.  I've found craft ideas that I've already used, and recipes for my slow-cooker and for other fabulous foods.  One particular day I even figured out how to link my Pinterest account to my blog.

I started this journey by repinning from a friend.  We are involved in the same book club, and I wanted to make the pins mine as well.  I made a new board, called Book Club Bonanza, and that was it...pinning history!

I'm not as popular as some of the pinners I follow.  Some folks have thousands of followers.  I'm just happy to have friends and family members follow me.  There are some folks that I've never met, except through Pinterest, who follow my boards, and that is exciting to me as well.

I'm a visual person, so Pinterest fascinates me.  I even learned about my visual learning style thanks to a pin on the site too.  I know that when school starts for me again (teaching), I won't be able to just surf and pin, but for now it's a super fun learning tool, time-passer, and brave new world! 

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