Sunday, September 19, 2010

My uncle's 80th birthday party

My uncle, Ivan Hirsch, has been an inspiration and strong influence in my life.  It was my honor to throw a party for him for his 80th birthday.  My sister, Audrey, and I spearheaded the effort.  We had a great deal of help.  I have five super sisters and a wonderful mom who helped with a variety of tasks.  Of course my husband, Dwane, and Audrey's husband, Dan, helped with making food and running all kinds of errands.  The day of the party they also helped with keeping us calm!  Debby, and John, my cousins, also helped us to create a successful party.  I was proud it went well, because I'd never planned a party of this size.  We planned for about 50-60 people.

Uncle Ivan has held many jobs and in life, including a teacher, principal, insurance salesman, missionary, lay preacher/teacher and I'm sure I've missed quite a few here.  On account of these jobs/vocations, he's traveled many places.  I only hope that I'll be able to travel as widely as he and Aunt Millie have!

I can only hope, too, that I'll be able to display a portion of the faith he has.  I've always admired Uncle Ivan's faith.  Grandma had that same faith also.  One thing I've learned is that a good teacher leads by example.  Ivan Hirsch must have been a great teacher.  I've learned a great deal over the years.  Thank you!

God bless you in your travels, Uncle Ivan!  May He grant you many more years on this earth.  I pray you may teach more people about Jesus and His love as you've taught me.  You've been such a wonderful Christian example.


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